The HUD-VASH program helps eligible Veterans secure and maintain decent, stable, and affordable housing by combining the Housing Choice Voucher program and supportive services with case management and clinical services provided by the VA.
HUD-VASH is a long-term case management, supportive services, and permanent housing support program for chronically homeless Veterans who require these supports to live independently.
The VA staff provides case management services designed to resolve current homelessness. The voucher program is administered through the Choice Housing Authority.
Who is eligible to participate?
The HUD-VASH program targets homeless Veterans or Veterans on the verge of homelessness. (meaning eviction is imminent)
The program supports our most vulnerable homeless Veteran population. Including those with medical, mental health, or substance use disorders. In order to participate in the HUD-VASH program, candidates must be VA healthcare eligible and homeless. They must also express a willingness to participate in supportive services provided by the VA.
How to Apply?
Homeless Veterans not currently working with a VA clinician should contact the Healthcare for Homeless Veterans Outreach Specialist or a Social Worker at the VA Health Center to discuss available housing support options including referrals to the Carrollton HUD-VASH program.
1 Roop Street Carrollton, Ga 30117
Phone: 770-834-2046